Wado Ryu karate for children 4 years plus in Collier Row, Chigwell, Chingford, Enfield, Epping & Barkingside. Private lessons available
This is the official club level t-shirt for JHKA students. The karate t-shirt is embroidered with our modern club logo. This t-shirt can be worn in the summer classes, squad trainings and outside of the dojo.
Optional Extra at Checkout: Add Embroidered Initials to your t-shirt (Please email desired initials once ordered, maximum of three letters).
The t-shirt will be given to your child at their karate lesson and will take 7 days to arrive from receiving full payment.
Current members – If you would like to order new a standard gi or any clubwear / equipment that is not listed on the shop, please email your instructor. All gi’s and equipment must be ordered direct via the club. Thank you in advance.
Collier Row - Chingford - Chigwell - Enfield - Epping - Barkingside
No obligation trial class
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