Lesson Schedule 2020

JHKA Evening Lesson Schedule

Whitsun Week (May half term)

All classes closed – Monday 25 May to Friday 29 May 2020

Summer Holiday (August)

All classes closed – Tuesday 18th August to Thursday 3rd September

End of Year Holiday (December)

All classes closed – Monday 21st December to Monday 4th January

JHKA Fun Week – Final lesson in December (2020) 🎉

Please wear your Christmas Jumper/Red or Green T-Shirt with Gi Bottoms at last lesson of the year!

Monday 14th December (Enfield Dojo)
Tuesday 15th December (Collier Row Dojo)
Thursday 17th December (Chingford Dojo)
Friday 18th December (Chigwell Dojo) + (Online Lesson 6:30pm)

JHKA First Lesson back (2021)

Tuesday 5th January (Online Lesson 4:00pm (Beginners)

Thursday 7th January (Online Lesson 5:00pm (Beginners) / 5:30pm (Green Belt & Above) 

Monday 11th January (Enfield Dojo)

Tuesday 12th January (Collier Row Dojo)

Thursday 14th January (Chingford Dojo)

Friday 15th January (Chigwell Dojo)